ECBM-805 Challenges of Starting a Business

ECBM 805: Challenges of Starting a Business

Welcome to ECBM 805. This is Dr. Saki and I will be your assigned faculty member for this course. This course is  comprised of three components of (1) course outline, (2) textbook/reading materials, and (3) final examination.

I would suggest that you begin your study in the following order:

  • Review your course outline: The course outline will offer you a general understanding about your course including the course objectives, method of teaching, faculty guidelines, grading or evaluation mechanism, sections of the textbook you should read, as well as your anticipated learning outcomes. Click here!
  • Read your assigned textbook: Please do not attempt to work on your final exam unless you have already completed your reading assignments listed in your course outline. Click here!
  • Take the final exam: After review of the textbook you should be ready to take your final examination to complete your course. Your final exam is in a multiple-choice format with 25 questions. To forward your exam for evaluation you should click the SEND” button. Please note that you will need to provide a minimum of 18 correct answers to pass the course. You will get an opportunity to re-take your test at no additional charge in case you do not pass it in your first attempt. Click here!

We wish you a great study experience with this course!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.